DevOps Academy
DevOps efficiently, Cloud with ease. This course is different!
Refined materials, tasks
experienced DevOps Mentor to guide your progress.
is the average market salary for a DevOps and Cloud engineer
can possibly be the rise of income on the IT market for developer with DevOps and Cloud skills
is gross average salary after 3 years experience as DevOps and Cloud engineer
Are you an ambitious admin or developer?
Learning DevOps logic, best practices, and achieve zero-downtime deployment is a goal you will achieve in this course.
Need your team master DevOps and Cloud skills
We will train your team to be experts in DevOps technologies and Cloud based on needs on your project or Company. We will focus training more on skills your team needs.
Who is the right DevOps Course candidate?
- Engineering level University Student of Information technology field
- At least Junior Developer with one year coding experience
- System admin who wants career growth
- Automation tester who has ambitions to rise

Recommended knowledge?
- at least one programming language (preferably Python/Go)
- Bash
- English language

What personality traits will help you succeed?
- Motivation and ability to independently studying materials
- Ability to looking for a solutions and drive to handle it using your skills
- Determination to adapt and grow
- Critical thinking
- Effective communication to share your ideas and problems
- Independence and self-reliance

Methodology and Tools-
Completion of the Academy (approx. 200 hours) with a mentor support (1 hour/week)
Access to the training platform with materials and tasks
Code review by a mentor - written form
Ask a mentor channel with an answer on the next working day
Group call with a mentor - every other week

AWS a Kubernetes-
Preparation for the AWS Solution Architect Associate certification exam
Preparation for the Kubernetes Certified Administrator certification exam
Materials for the exams
Recommendations and guidance from a mentor

DevOps and Certification
Individual approach from mentor during the course
AWS credits renewed every month
One hour a week individual call with a mentor (sync calls, mentoring...)
Alumni access to the community of already trained people
cancel anytime
learn best practice
option to change packages to Prominent and back
DevOps Course: skills you will master
• git základy (prečo použivame git, benefity)
• čo je git workflow ? (git merge, git squash)
• akú rolu zohráva Gitlab v živote developera
• GIT troubleshooting (ako prepísať históriu)
• integrácia s JIRA
• základy LINUXu (filesystem, ako linux funguje, prístupy)
• Bash a terminals
• SSH a základne komandy inštalovanie packidžov
• request manažment (curl, wget)
• prihlasovanie
• Network Ports
• prečo kontajnerizácia a na čo slúži?
• napíš svoj Dockerfile
• Docker Image vs Docker Container
• prihlásenie do containers a troubleshooting
• External Registries
• moja prvá infra - docker compose
• intro do Kubernetes a rôzne distribúcie
• imperatívny vs declaratívny prístup
• bootstrapping pre tvoj cluster
• CKA Certifikačný kurz – Certified Kubernetes Administrator
• príprava na CKA
• základy Helmu
• templating
• externé charty
• vytvorenie vlastného Helm chartu
• čo je to cloud ? kto sú to Cloud provideri?
• základy AWS (regióny, AZs)
• Servisy EC2, VPC, IAM, ELB, S3, RDS, EKS, CloudFront
• Tásky orientované na deploy vlastnej aplikácie na rôznych servisách (S3, EC2, EKS) spolu s CDN
• AWS SAA kurz - AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate
• čo je IaC (Infraštruktúra ako code)
• Terraform prehľad
• Terragrunt
• Terrafrom state a state manažment nastavenia
• vytvorenie IaC z predošlých táskov (plain and moduly)
• prečo je CI/CD dôležité pre náš workflow
• aké srôzne úrovne nájdeme v CI/CD pipeline
• rôzne tooly ako jenkins, azure ci/cd, gitlab ci/cd (len teória)
• Tasky zamerané na rôzne úrovne CI/CD: Build stage, Helm stage, Test stage, Deployment
• nerelačné vs relačné databýzy
• migrácia a prepojenie databázy
• zálohovanie a obnova
• Sharding
• HA v databázach
• Tasky zamerané na real life príklady RDS a EKS: obnovenie databázy, MongoDB, PgAdmin
Successful graduates of DevOps Academy

Within 2 years, you will master skills as if you had been learning them on your own for 5.
• your salary increases according to experience 10-25 € / hour and we have a financial reward system for certifications and proactive working spirit
• salary conditions increase continuously according our official salary table as your skills and seniority level grow
• you know what you need to accomplish to get raise
• flexible time, full or part time
• 100% home office or hybrid
• qualified applicants will get a Macbook
• work on interesting projects and with friendly team supporting each other
• refunded certifications costs

Michal Smolík
Michal designed architecture for the ParkDots project, which makes parking a piece of cake, and many more. His experience and advice are important not only in devops but also for business.

Andrej Rábek
Andrej is the founder of the academy and designed its initial form, content and structure. He is a person with a sense of responsibility and have eye for details. He will be strict with code reviews.

Pavol Krajkovič
Pavol is also an graduate of this Academy. He took over operation management after graduation, and shaped the academy into its current form. And now he is mentoring others, just look at all the graduets.

About the CodeWork Academy
Code Work Academy brings you the modern education in IT sector. Our vision is to help people expand their skills and build a career in the IT sector faster. It may be possible that people do not have the necessary information or education, but have determination to learn. That's why WE came on the scene!
- Our courses and webinars are for people who want to ambitiously step into or proceed forward in IT field.
- We will provide them with the knowledge, skills and courage so that a young or even an older person can change their life and become a highly skilled IT professional, with a great salary and with opportunities all over the world.
- Some of our courses and webinars are prepared for people who have NO or MINIMAL experience in IT field.